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Divan Bed vs. Slats – Which Is Right for You

Divan Bed vs. Slats - Which Is Right for You

Fancy taking that Premier Inn bed experience home with you? Thanks to our range of luxurious hotel quality beds, you can!

From bright colours to neutral designs, we have something for everyone who’s looking to upgrade their bedroom. But a good bed is about more than just the look and feel – it’s also about the type and structure.

At Premier Inn at Home, we offer divan beds and traditional slatted designs, and there are benefits to both options. In this article, we’ll take you through some of the pros and cons of each bed type to help you decide which one is best for you.

In this blog article, we will explore the pros and cons of Divan Bed vs. Slats to find the perfect bed frame for your ultimate comfort and storage needs.

What’s the Difference Between a Divan Bed and Slats?

If your sleep routine is due an MOT and you fancy recreating the Premier Inn experience at home to help you sleep better, understanding bed bases is a great place to start.

Divan beds have a solid and chunkier design, as the base often offers space for storage as well as the mattress. This can include drawers or an ottoman feature, which means the entire bed can be lifted for storage underneath. Slatted designs are the more traditional bed type, supported by four legs instead of one complete base. Slats are usually wooden, supported by metal fixtures for improved sturdiness. 

Aside from the design itself, another main difference is that slatted bed frames tend to be a bit larger width wise than a divan, as divans have the mattress sit directly on top of the base.

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Divan Bed Base?

Divan Bed vs. Slats - Which Is Right for You

Divan beds are fantastic if you need more storage. They can be used for anything from spare Premier Inn bedding to extra clothing and beyond, ideal for homes that lack essential storage or for people who prefer a clutter-free space. Other benefits include modern styles, customisable designs and supportive bases. Divans are also popular as they help create a luxurious feel in a bedroom. 

A downside of divans is that they can often come with a higher price tag than traditional bed designs. Another negative is that the beds are heavier, making them harder to move, which in turn can make them harder to clean around.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Bed Slats?

Divan Bed vs. Slats - Which Is Right for You

If you’re drawn to a more traditional bed frame, you’ll be pleased to know there are also plenty of benefits to bed slat designs. Slats offer great breathability, which helps keep mattresses fresh and plump thanks to the constant flow of air. These designs are also often long-lasting and more affordable. Bed slats can also be easily fixed and replaced if necessary.

A con compared to divan bed bases is that storage space isn’t quite as well optimised. While there’s space underneath a slatted bed frame, you’ll need to keep things organised to stop it turning into a floor-drobe. You’ll also need to consider the right size boxes to work around the legs. Additionally, slats are more likely to wear over time than a divan base, so you can expect a bit more maintenance from traditional bed frames. 

Is a Divan Bed or Slatted Design Better?

Our high-quality bed frames should help you fall asleep faster and feel well rested, but in terms of which is better, we’d say it all comes down to personal preference! Choose the right type to suit your space and style.

Both bed types offer great storage and style options – just remember that size is another important factor. Whichever option you go for, our beds have got your comfort covered!

Why Is Choosing The Correct Bed Frame Important?

As well as the reasons we’ve already mentioned, choosing the right bed frame is important in terms of:

Correct Support

A bed base that’s designed to be durable and long-lasting will offer you the support you need. This means that physical aches and pains can be alleviated while sleeping. Divans and slatted designs both work with various types of mattresses to provide all the comfort you need. 

Ease of Cleaning

Divan bed frames require more effort to clean, so if prefer easier-to-maintain beds, a slatted option may be your best choice. This is because divan frames are heavier to move, making cleaning underneath and behind the header board a tougher task, while slatted beds can be hoovered underneath easily. You may also find that divan beds have more upholstery cleaning needs thanks to their large fabric panels. However, with regular attention and some good-quality cleaning products, this doesn’t have to be too time consuming!

Whichever bed frame you choose, don’t forget to invest in a quality mattress protector!

Styling a Room

Your choice of bed also has a big impact on the overall feel of your room. A bed is usually the largest piece of furniture in the space, so it’ll naturally be the focal point of a bedroom. Both divans and slatted beds have different styling choices, so make sure you understand what would suit the look and feel of your space before buying.

Improved Mental Health

Choosing the right bed frame can lead to a better sleep space, which can improve your sleep and overall wellbeing.

Choose a Bed Frame From Premier Inn at Home!

Divan Bed vs. Slats - Which Is Right for You

Choosing between a divan bed or a bed with slats isn’t easy, but the good news is that they both come with a wide range of benefits. There isn’t really a wrong choice, so just choose what’s right for you! Explore our bed collection and enhance your sleep space.

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